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Tuesdays 10am (term time)
All are welcome at Toddler Group! This group caters for pre-school children and babies with their carers (mums, dads, grandparents, childminders etc.).
Toddler groups are excellent opportunities for both you and your child to socialise and have fun. Children benefit greatly from playing with and alongside each other, learning many social skills, as well as enjoying themselves.
We have a wide range of toys catering for all characters. There is also a seating area where adults can relax and more quiet play is encouraged to keep it safer for the younger children and babies.
We also have varied activities week to week such as playdough or simple crafts and some more unusual things like “cosmic goup”, dry rice or cooked pasta for the children to get to grips with!
A drink and snack is provided during the session (adults and children) and the group finishes with a song and story time.
This group is FREE of charge and booking is not required.
If you would like more information you can contact us using the details provided or you can call Gillian Anderson (group organiser) on 0191 285 1883.
Also for this age group: Music & Story Group
The church operates a child protection policy that covers all our activities. A copy of this is available from David Anderson (285 1883) if required.